Pet odor


Cigarette Odor

Garbage odor etc.

Triple Fresh® II is an ecological deodorizing processing without using any light or eclectricity.
It decomposes formaldehyde that causes sick building syndrome, smoking odor, pet odor, and some types of odor generated in our daily life (garbage odor etc.) into non-harmful substances such as water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) using oxygen in the air. Triple Fresh® II performs quiet but powerful cycle deodorizing for 24 hours, and can be used semipermanently.
Pet odor
Cigarette Odor
Garbage odor etc.
Doubled deodorant effect gets rid of odors quickly and repeatedly.
Formaldehyde combined with a special nitrogen compound is decomposed into safe, less harmful substances. This mechanism is a chemical reaction, and, with the use of reactive substances, it rapidly deodorizes formaldehyde and delivers excellent initial performance.
Chemical reaction mechanismFormaldehyde combined with special Metal Salt I is decomposed by catalysis of Metal Salt II. Since Metal Salt I is regenerated, formaldehyde is repeatedly deodorized (absorbed and decomposed). The initial deodorant effect is not great as that of A, but the effect lasts longer because of the “cycle deodorizing.” in which the deodorant performance is regenerated as soon as formaldehyde is decomposed by catalysis.
Chemical absorption and decomposition mechanism